2010년 10월 29일 금요일

Halloween Party (10282010)

It's halloween night party for CalUMS VA students. I met many of scary characters....Jason of the NightMare...a witch with adorable face...and of course we had the Avatar lady...you guys know who she is...^^ and the catlady.....oh!!! and...the sister!!!!! with the bible...^^ I thought she was a real one...^^ dang.....wonder woman and two masked cute ladies particiated...and who else...Captin JackSparrow  particiated the party night as well..and teacher tounssi with human mask ^^thanks for coming ...Captin n human!!

Sadly I couldn't prepare for the halloween, but I really enjoyed the party last night!!!!
hope you guys can take a look on this pix that I have just up-loaded on this blog so that you guys can share the emotion of the party of it!!!!

Uno Dos Tresssssssssssssssssssscream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!